
Ultraman belial fimfiction
Ultraman belial fimfiction

When Belial Plague fuses with Ultraman Darkness in an attempt to take down both 0 and Zero Alter once and for all, the ultimate embodiment of infectious evil is formed from the shadows. Brute Strength: Belial's strength in this form easily exceeds those of Glenblazer and even Arch Tri-Sluggar Dark Zero Alter.He is able to restrain and pin down tougher enemies like Astral Orochi with this ability. Dark Energy Manipulation: Belial can channel dark energy to his both hands to empower himself or charge up attacks.Thunder Cross Guardian: Belial electrifies his hands and puts them in an 'X' position, blocking the enemy attack.Ripper Barrier: He can use the light ring as a shield.Plague Ripper: An intense halo of crimson Deathcium that rips apart any entity.Powerful enough to bring down beings like Astral Orochi and Emerium Sluggar Dark Zero Alter with relative ease. Belial then brings up his hands to charge them with the Zoffi's Ematesevar energy, and brings his arms to the position of a wretched cross. Zedcium Shake Star: Outstretching his arms, red and black bolts of lightning encircle his every being.With the power of the Star Marks, and Zoffi's own brute, coarse strength, Belial becomes an unstoppable, raging force of evil. Possessing the wandering soul of the First King, Zoffi, Belial assumes one of the more powerful Dexter Possessions. Plunger Wretched Hand: Belial Plague summons the vengeful hands of the dead, to capture and rip opponents apart.Plunger Cross Decimation: Energy slashes.Plunger Lightning Ensnare: A whip of electricity which ensnares unlucky victims.Plunger Lightning Attack: Blasts of lightning powered by the revengeful dead.Cyclopia Mephisto: A powerful attack which decimates lifeforms, fired from Mephisto's Peepers.Ī Sevarean staff which Belial Plague uses to control a hundred contemptful lifeforms slain at the hands of the Sevareans.Emperor Hallow Ripper: Energy slashes fired in succession from his claws.Belial Deathly Slash: A crimson spinning saw of darkness cuts through even the toughest of hide and skin.Deathcium Crackle: Fired from arched, crossed hands, a corrupting beam of infectious Deathcium is unleashed upon its unsuspecting victim.The form which Belial takes after the Sevareans and their kin, blackened and cursed with Deathcium. Ultraman Belial Plague w/ Hundred-Soul Plunger Deathcium Empowerement: Its attacks are blessed with the suffocating black substance known as Deathcium, eating away at the living in accelerated decomposition.Color Resounder: Taken after Zero's, Belial's illuminates with a deep purple instead.Īll of Belial's forms are empowered by the vile substance known as Deathcium.Hallow Claws: Deadly, crimson claws that inject a lethal amount of Deathcium into its victims, its blood and life.Sideburns: Naturally occurring facial hair, inherited as a trait from Sevareans.They glow green when the entity forcibly accesses the Dexter Nexus. Mephisto's Peepers: Those arched eyes, dyed a sinister orange.Home Planet: Sevar, unknown before that.Age: Millions of years, ancient demonic entity.The mastermind behind these dangerous organisms is currently unknown. They are a hive mind, unfeeling and driven only by a single goal: eliminate, and destroy. His son took over next, and the legacy passed on to his descendants, till the present age. It ended with a twist, however: nobody knew where the King disappeared to after the war, and as much as they wanted to thank him, the most the Sevareans could accomplish was enact a monument as a form of eternal gratitude. The events after that were unclear, but it is said that Sevar won the eventual war. Then, a being solely by the name of Deus, approached the weeping man, and formed a pact. Mass slaughters, genocides, rape the King grieved as his people suffered, no matter how much he desperately tried to fight on. With an incapable military force and insufficient supplies for major war, the planet was left utterly defenseless. However, things took a turn for the worse, when the nation first experienced an alien invasion, back stabbed by their own allies.

Ultraman belial fimfiction